Saturday, April 26, 2008

March 09, 2008

Its been too long since I've posted an update, but there isn't any news yet. On Friday, I found that my doctor is out of town until Wednesday (my next appt date). So I don't expect to hear anything about the biopsy result until then. Tomorrow (Monday) I will have blood tests to determine if I can handle Wednesday's chemo treatment. Its still a waiting game.

So, I'm still just trying to pass the time. The last treatment really knocked me out. My energy has been lower than normal, but I'm still getting around. One thing that will occupy me is getting through the withdrawal effects of the latest pain med I've been on. I first started it while in the hospital in January, but I don't think I need it anymore. I'm clearly addicted, but its time to give it up.

We had a nice evening last night with Mike's Uncle Dick and Aunt Bev Casey from South Dakota. It starting with mass at Blessed Sacramant Church to hear Julie Carrick and her husband perform the music. (Julie is a fabulous vocal and keyboard performer and has about 10 CDs recorded. She has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer, so it was really special to worship with her.) Then we had a nice dinner at the house (outside, if you can believe it). Dick played the Bodhran (Irish drum) along with some Irish music. Given his musical skills, I'm sure he would have played a few scores on the piano, if he had seen it. Yes, there was wine involved.

I will let you know more as soon as I have word. I love you all, Maureen

Daily thoughts of you... Jeanne Hassel
Thanks for the update Maureen. I remember our dining on the porch with you and the wonderful fire pit... such warm feelings come to mind regarding our time spent with you! Wish we could just hop down there and sit with you! Know that we are thinking and praying for you every day... throughout the day. You are a gift Maureen! We LOVE YOU!!!!!
Jeanne, Greg, Claire, Anna & Maria

What A Treat to See You!!! Clint Gibson
Maureen - What a beautiful evening it was to see you and Mike come outside to dine! That was such a special surprise.
We were blessed to be able to see you again, to laugh and visit with you, and to share personal communication again. It was also a blessing to see Mike and to see him enjoy the dinner so much.
Please know you are in our thoughts every day. We look forward to seeing you again soon, maybe to attend the theater together.

So good to receive an update !! Patti Herf
Maureen, are you ready for me to drop over the c.d. to play when you feel like it and do a few gentle yoga stretches?..just let me know and i'll bring it over !! i hope you are resting and that your body is feeling all the good wishes and prayers that are sent you way daily !!! LOVE, PATTI AND CHARLIE

greetings from St. Thomas Becket Cynthia Sampers
Today we celebrated 40 years in the priesthood for Fr. Mike Erlander. Hard to believe that he has spent 17 years of it here with us at St. Thomas Becket, the longest of anywhere he's been. There was some great hospitality following, with strawberries as big as apples! Quite a treat for us from the Northland!
When we saw your Christmas picture, it becomes obvious how long it has been since you lived here as well. One of our girls was so disappointed to see Joe married, she so looked forward to your card arriving and drooling over the handsome young men! Now one less available!
Just want you to know that we think of you often, and will raise you up in prayer tonight: we have a meeting of the Judith Batten Foundation. We provide scholarships to those that might not be able to afford retreats without them.
Keep chippin' away down there, it will time to hit the greens!
Love and Prayers to You,
Cindy and Kevin Sampers

How Fun Elaine DuBois-Karr
Thanks so much for the update. Irish music is so festive that it must have so much fun. Great company and fun music, how wonderful.
Thinking of you all of the time,

March Best Wishes Linda & Max Selig
This month is special in so many ways. It's a time for we women to reflect on the lives of so many women who have fought the battle you are facing. Their examples and inspiration should be an example for all of us. Love each day, entertain even when your carpet is dirty, hug your children even when you are busy, delight in a rainy day and sit in the grass with your white pants on!! I know I need reminding when I get frustrated or too busy. I don't want to face your battle but I do want to savor life as if I were. It's too easy for all of us who are well to forget about what is important. I know you will never make that mistake. God Bless you and keep your spirit high. Lin Selig

Great to see you! Denise McClain
It was so great to see you on Friday Maureen (and to meet Telluride) :) You look great and your smile is radiant as ever :) Know that you continue to be in my and my family's prayers. Big hugs and much love to you....
-Denise McClain

St Pat's Greeting Terry Casey
An early St Pat's greeting from Terry and Sharon,
We are in Mpls and felt cheated by not being able to enjoy a bit of Erin Go Bragh with you last night. We could picture the scene as you describe your evening. We were at mass at St Edward's near our hotel last night and discovered that this church was founded by Bishop Dudley. He was a much loved bishop of our diocese in Sioux Falls. We are also aware that Bishop Carlson is here for his father's funeral tomorrow.(Mpls)
Your pharmacist father-in-law says that you should not be worried about those pain patches that you have been using. They may be helpful in ways that you are not aware. At any rate as your PA Kelly about it. We miss you and offer many more prayers. Love, Sharon

You are always in our thoughts and prayers! Debbie Klimes
Sounds like a wonderful evening. I can't wait until we can enjoy an evening outside and celebrate your graduation. Keeping positive and happy thoughts for you and your family. We always keep you in our daily thoughts and prayers.
Lots of love and blessings to you!
The Klimes gang!

Hello Freddie Coseglia
Hello Maureen:
Just wish to say hello. Hopefully, you have been able to spend a little time outdoors of you know the weather has been beautiful and warm.
You are missed by many in the office and we all still ask one another if anyone has spoken with you lately.
In advance...Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wish I could be there too! Molly Casey
I know my parents have really enjoyed their time in AZ and especially the time with you and Mike. Wish I could be there too! I want to give you a big hug! Wow...Dick and his Irish drum...and WINE?! I bet that was something!
Love you!

Maureen - Monday 3/10 Joan Lentner
I'm back from Florida and it was a wonderful week away. Since Minnesota has had some abnormlly cool temps this winter, it was so great to be in 80 degree temps all week. Work keeps me really busy and I haven't been able to focus on my prayer life as much as I wanted to this Lenten season. I took time everyday to look at the Gulf Waters, to feel the warmth of the sun, to walk in the sand, to watch some sunsets and to let myself relax. You will be happy to know that you were remembered for sure once a day and most days, many times. Physically is very difficult for you, but the mental mind game is equally as difficult. Been there and done it. I read your latest update and still am very encouraged that with God's love and healing hands you will make it. I wish I could take away the difficult days, but since I can't, my prayers are going, going and gone.
Wishing a better week which is filled with good test results. You are so special and I think of you so often and admire your courage. When you are done with all of the chemo & treatments we will have to have a drink to celebrate.
Joan , LH - Mpls

Hi ! Kathi and Pat Rile
It was so wonderful spending time with you at the Gala in February ! You continue to be a beautiful role model for us in your trust in Our Lord ! You give us strength ! We send our love and prayers !
Peace, Kathi and Pat

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