Saturday, April 26, 2008

January 29, 2008

The chemo date is sliding yet again. I received a call late today from the doctor's office saying my white blood cell count is still too low for them to blast me with chemo. The date is now Tuesday, February 5th. Change seems to be the norm, and I'm getting used to it. On the positive side, Superbowl Sunday will be more fun!

My prayers tonight go to all of you in the Midwest snow and sub-zero wind chills. May God protect you from threats of the fierce weather.

Thinking of you Trudy Billion
Greetings from -25 below SD. We continue to keep you in our prayers. I marvel at your perpetually positive attitude-know that you are an inspiration to us all.
Trudy and Matt Billion

Southern Indiana is thinking of you! Patti Hartog
Maureen, Patti and I continue to think of you and pray for your continued recovery. It is great to know you are getting good quality care. God Bless.

Maureen - Wishing you Strength for the Day! Joan Lentner
We here in Minnesota are going to need strength to face the wind and cold temps. -30 degrees...thank goodness it is going to be short lived.
Read your latest update and am encouraged by the progress...even though it has been a hard emotional & physical struggle, you are doing it one day at a time. You go Maureen and my prayers are going too.
It's Tuesday and I'm and wishing that this is a truly good day for you. It's a tough journey but the good results are showing up.
Sending lots of warm love from cold Minnesota.
Joan, LH - Mpls

"Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible." Courtney Powell
Hi Maureen,
Last minute changes in plan are hard for me, so I can understand the frustration you are feeling to get the show on the road! Still, you continue to be a beacon of faith and strength for us all to follow, and I know your counts will get back to where they should be and you can go forward with the next round of chemo. And, in the meantime, take advantage of enjoying the Super Bowl--should be a good game! :)
We are thinking of you and love you!
Courtney, Steve, Alex and Gabe

Hello Maureen, Mike & family Janet Thomas
I am so glad to hear to have had some good news. I think of you often and wonder how you are doing. Today I ran into Sharon at the store and had a nice visit with her. She told me about the care page site so I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of all of you. Have faith, strength & courage - you will beat this! We will keep you in our prayers.
Janet Thomas, Kimball, SD

Thinking of You Elaine DuBois
Rolling with changes can be such a challenge, I am glad that you are more comfortable with it.
Just wondering who you will be cheering for on Super Bowl Sunday. We will still be cheering for you!
Love, Elaine

We Love Ya! Jeanne Hassel
Your amazing Maureen! We love ya!!!! Keep fighting!
Jeanne, Greg, Claire, Anna & Maria

Gramma Toohey Katie and Joe Casey
Its seems with every posting there is a little more of Grandma Toohey's attitude in your voice. You're an unbelievable woman, in that with your present condition you can be worrying about those dealing with a little chill in the Midwest.

Maureen - Wishing you a great Monday! Joan Lentner
I received a note from the Poor Clare Sisters and wanted to share a couple of sentences with you, and they are: "We pray for help, yet nothing seems to change. All the same God is indeed at work. We do not know what form His help will take, whether He will quickly solve our problems or simply give us strength to deal with them. Yet we can be assured that from the moment we bring God into our situaiton everything changes. He likes to push us in our weakest parts so that in our struggle we become stronger." I have had many of those low/weak moments and God continues to stand by me and be assured that he is right by your side also. Hope...yes, lots of hope for the good days ahead...and they are coming!! Thinking of you today and just wanted to say that my prayers never stop for you.
Joan , LH - Mpls

Steve is taking vacation from golf! Kathy Miller
Hi Maureen, It's a very frustrated golfer (Steve) writting to you to say the game isn't much fun these days when I think about you. I thought turning 60 was bad for my swing and then Kathy told me you were having visions of thousands of little golfers hitting those cancer cells with a wedge in your body! Now, I can't hit a wedge! So, the best thing for me to do is lay off for a few weeks and go to the snowy mountains for a rest. We'll be with you and wish you could join us in Utah for some really good Mexiacan food. The rest of the Casey family will be here Feb. 14-17, so why don't you just fly up and join us. Book it!
Love, Steve

Sending lots of love to you! Kathy Miller
Hi Maureen! We are thinking of you and happy you'll be able to down some Doritos and dip tomorrow during the Super Bowl. We hope you are feeling stronger and more ready to take on the chemo next week, to zap those remaining gremlins. Go get 'em, girl! Collin was here for a couple of days, and it was so nice to get to see him and get to hear all the Michigan news. We were wishing Tracy and boys were here to enjoy the weather. But alas, there are times when the whole family can't make it. We miss our family, and we sure miss you all very much. God's blessings to you and know that you are in our thoughts constantly. Your picture is right there in the hallway...xoxoxox Auntie Kathy

midwest cold Christian Casey
Maureen, I sure will be fine in the midwest. Were use to snow and cold weather this time of year. So don't worry about us just get well. We will be praying for you.
Christian Casey

Maureen - It's Friday! Joan Lentner
You have already been prayed for once today and I will again be going to adoration this will be lifted in prayer for all that you need to continue on to your next chemo treatment. So no chemo till next Tuesday..then may the next few days be filled with strength, courage, lots of smiles, and the strengthening of your faith to know that you are loved by so many and that mega prayers are going heaven ward...just for special you Mareen. You are going to get through this.
Wishing you a super fabulous Super Bowl Sunday! I'm praying to God that he will grant whatever your wishes are, just for today. Sending lots of love.
Joan, LH - Mpls.

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