Saturday, April 26, 2008

January 13, 2008

Hello everyone! I'm beginning to get my energy back. Whew! It is Day 6 of the most recent treatment. This recovery period has been very different from the others. Instead of being nauseous and in pain, I've been just extremely fatigued and could hardly keep my head up yesterday. My appetite is surprisingly good. Almost opposite of previous treatments.

I pray, dear Lord, that there are no complications this round, and that the Holy Spirit helps this medicine to heal me. If this is going to be a longer road than expected and I may need an extended period of treatments, then I trust it was meant to be.

I also pray that all of the friends and families praying for me stay in good health. There is so much in this life to do, if you have the strength to do it.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Love you all,

Thanks for the update! Lorrae Lindquist

I have been thinking of you and you continue to be in our prayers daily. I know that Bill and Mike talked this past week and Bill told Mike that we will be in AZ at the end of the month. Getting over to see you will definitely be at the top of our priority list. Keep up the fight and know that you have a multitude of Prayer Warriors storming heaven on your behalf!


MAUREEN - Our prayers & Love sent every day! Judy Kludt
Maureen, we continue to send our prayers your way. We are so sorry that you are going through this pain, suffering and uncertainty. May the Lord continue to be close by your side and watch over you. As I read the other messages I can not even imagine how many prayers are being sent your way every single minute of every single day. Lord hear our prayers!
Paul & Judy Kludt & family.

We miss you. Hang tough! Trevor Sears
If ever I knew someone who could overcome this kind of adversity Maureen, it is you.
We are all praying and pulling for you.
We miss you and the value you add to the team along with the smiles.
Hang tough!

If I've said it're a Maureen!!! Dean Altman
Greetings from the Network Team!-----

We miss you terribly and can't wait to see you, again. And, let me say if you need anything we are here for you and your family.-----

Some updates...not sure who has kept you up-to-date so if its redundant, sorry...-----

--PCI is effectively over, however, we have added some log analysis rules to our repartee.
--Stephen Hope is onboard to assist with the new Security Admin aspects added as a Level 1 Net Tech.
--2008 is to be the year of training so we are gearing up for some classes (most notably VoIP for the new store configuration rollout).

Other than that, business as usual.-----

On the personal side for me...Cindy is enjoying her work with the State's mixed IT environment (they run what we do, but with Oracle as well). And, her Birthday is Monday! She's turning 21 so I have to get her something special.-----

Our youngest is beginning to talk...back. ;-) Okay, that was just ot be funny. He's talking so I can make out a few words, but he did actually just learn how to say, "No" and uses it liberally (with a hand wave). I've got some new pictures for you.-----

Our oldest is now equalizing from the pressure difference between Jr High and High School. Her ears are popping and grades are returning to normal (it got sketchy for a while with Cross Country practice).-----

My oldest boy is now a young man (12 years old and all). He talks the talk and is walking the line with his Momma. I can't argue much as long as he keeps his grades up and finishes his chores. Boys will be boys (don't worry, I jump between them occasionally...for safety's sake).------

The Great Dane is nearing 100 lbs and is still a puppy. He wants to sit on your lap, but I'm the only person with a lap big enough and I'm reaching my capacity. When the dog is asleep, the baby actually dives on this dog and he doesn't budge...just lifts his head, looks over and lays back down.-----

The Chihuahua is getting used to dodging the big dog's feet and is now the leg warmer of choice for our daughter.-----

Had to keep you in the get some rest and we'll see you soon!-----

--Dean Altman and Family
You are in our prayers

Greetings from your sister in Christ L Ormsby
Dear Maureen,

So often we sit and ponder the right words to say when someone is experiencing trials and tribulations in their lives.
We try to find this profound message of words to strengthen and encourage them.

As I read through your blogs, I find words to strengthen and encourage me, words like trust God, thank him for the good and bad, ....When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it. 1 Corinthians 4:12, etc.... I could go on and on.

Maureen, I don't know if I could be as strong and brave as you, but what I do know is where your strength comes from, and with Him nothing is impossible. You are truly my Hero.. Because of you I am looking at life a little different now.

I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers and pray God's will be done.

In Him
Lisa Ormsby

Hi Maureen! Kathy Miller
This is me, again...always thinking and praying for you. I have that wonderful picture of you and Mike together at Joe's wedding framed and on a table in the hallway and I pass it many times a day and as I go by I touch your face with my finger and whisper a prayer for you to be healed. Stay strong, get lots of rest and good food, and read those Ole and Lena jokes! I wish I could be there for you. But I am in spirit and in prayer. Give my nephew a big hug for me! Love, Auntie Kathy P.S. I am proud to say that I took that picture. :)

Maureen...The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow! Catherine Billion
Dear Maureen,
Thank you so much for your update; I hope that you can feel the cloud of witnesses here and in Heaven that are in communion with your spirit at all times. You are surrounded. We can hardly think of anything else except you, Mike, and JP. Thinking of you makes us do our work a little bit better and with a little more joy. You are an inspiration to all. I wish I could cook up a pot of Irish stew and soda bread with raisins for you, and deliver it in person. Eat hardy whilst you can! As Mom would say, "Loads of LOVE, from us all!"

great news! Nancy McFarland
Maureen, that is wonderful news that you are starting to get more energy. Keep it up and our continued thoughts and prayers are with you. Looking forward to seeing you back to you ole self again in the near future. God Bless you and your family.

Nancy McFarland

Amazing Maureen Judy Rex
Dear Maureen, It was awesome to hear that you did without the nausea and pain this time around - woohoo!!! We are praying that there are no surprises and that your strength will continue to grow with every day. All of us on the "merry-go-round" are lifted up by your faith and unflagging spirit.
Much love, Mike and Judy

In our thoughts Ann Thiel
Maureen and family,
Boyd and I are friends of Terry and Sharon and I know Mike from the old days at Casey Drug. Just want you to know are in our thoughts and prayers.
Boyd and Ann Thiel

YES, another positive step forward !!!!!! Patti Herf
Maureen, that is good to hear about the removal of the vacuum therapy !!! AND, THAT YOU ARE EATING AND FEELING STRONGER WITH EACH DAY!!! the p.v.u.m. prayer group still has you at the TOP of their list !!!SO DO WE !!! ttys, hugs, patti

Maureen - There is "Hope" Joan Lentner
I just finished the book, The Anatomy of Hope and found it had some really good insights. The doctor who wrote the book found himself in a very serious medical situation and after her recovered he wanted to explore what "hope" does for us physically/mentally. I am going to share the last two sentences in the book as I think they are powerful.
"I see hope as the very heart of healing. For those who have hope, it may help some to live longer, and it will help all to live better."
So never give up the hope for the better days. My daily prayers continue so that you will see those good days soon. No one can possibly know what your cross is each day, but know that we care and love you very much. We may not have met, but we are connected not only spiritually but because I to had cancer and am a survivor. The greatest blessing that God has given me and that's why I have chosen you to be the recipient of my mega prayers. I to want you to feel really good again. God hears your name many times a day.

Take care my friend.


Greetings Donna Dominiack
Good morning Maureen and Mike,

Thought about you lots this week-end Maureen, and prayed everything was going ok for you. I have read this poem before and I want to share it with you. Maybe you have read it.

Cancer is so limited
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot destroy peace.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot suppress memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot invade the soul.
It cannot steal eternal life.
It cannot conquer the spirit.
Hang in there Maureen,
God Bless

Keep Healing Terrie Jorgensen
Maureen - I am constantly amazed at your strength. Your mental and physical strength is just what this medicine needs to work its magic against this disease. I'm glad that you have an appetite - that will help your physical strength. There are a lot of prayers for you in MN. I talked to Susan Allen on Saturday and she said that she looks at your Christmas card picture when she prays for you. My prayers aren't quite that organized - they just come throughout the day. Hang in there...we love you. Terrie

Thinking positive thoughts regarding your recovery !!! Patti Herf
Maureen, you are so good at listening to your body and your mind !!! you are giving your body nutrition and rest that it needs...good for you to be so tuned in !!! KNOW THAT PRAYERS AND GOOD THOUGHTS ARE COMING YOUR WAY EVERY DAY!!! love and many hugs, patti and charlie

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