Saturday, April 26, 2008

January 08, 2008

As expected, today's chemo treatment was uneventful. It is encouraging to sit in the room for hours with other patients receiving their treatments and listening to their stories; their ups and downs. What lovely people they are, it is so unfair. Yet the atmosphere is filled with hope.

After an exam with the doctor, there is one cancerous area which this chemo medicine may not be killing. He believes this area is the cause of continued fluid build-up. If after this treatment takes effect but the fluid continues to build, he will be moving to a different medicine (his "Plan B"). These complications are beginning to make sense to me.

I won't be feeling well for a while, so until next time, Happy (and HEALTHY) NEW YEAR!

Fight Katie and Joe Casey
Keep fighting this week, mom.

You had the stamina to raise 3 boys, so I know you can get through this!

we continue to pray for you Maureen. Judy Knust
So glad to read more from you. You are amazing.
I have my CCD girls praying for you each week. I believe children's prayer are powerful.
Judy Knust

Fantastic News Elaine DuBois
I am so glad to hear that you are home and eating. Fantastic news!
Love you,

Prayer from a website Joan Buckley
Hi Miss M - I am hoping that today was filled with Tostitos and guacamole for you! Here is a prayer from a website that emails me everyday: (Holy Family Ministries- there, I cited it. )

A holy day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, and adore the Lord. Today a great light has come upon the earth.

Lord Jesus, there are times that we live in darkness. During these times, we ask that you lead us through these dark moments into the light of your presence. May we never feel ashamed to ask you to help us out of the darkness and into the radiant joy of your light. We ask this in your name. Amen.

May you feel the light of Christ today and every day!

Yes! You are home! Jeanne Hassel
We are so happy that you are home again! Your faith is so awesome Maureen! Thank you! Keep fighting this battle Maureen! We all prayed for you today. Maria and I pray each morning on the way to school and you are mentioned with special prayers! We love you and wish we could do more! Let's get this 4th treatment over... one step closer to the end! God's peace!

Jeanne, Greg, Claire, Anna and Maria

We are so glad to hear that this chemo was routine. Peggy eventually got to that point also. The experience of being in the room and seeing everybody else is something I'll never forget. It is hard to expain unless you have done it as either the patient or the caregiver. We pray for you, and hope you can keep up the spirits over the next few days. No fun but it is in the long haul good for you!!!
Peggy and Gerry

Maureen, We LOVE you! Molly Casey
We love you...keep going!

New Mary jo Christensen
Every Day is a new year. We wish you well with all the new treatments you are having. We had a super Christmas in SD with all 6 children and 13 grandchildren. Weather was snowy, but came slowly so I said it was as pretty as snow can get. That was high praise for me. Came home with grandparents disease (what you get when exposed to feverish, coughing, sneezing, headachey grandchildren). It in its smallness makes me appreciate your life and experiences. We care. We pray. Love Mary JoC

Thinking of You Donna Dominiack
Hi Maureen, Mike and boys,

I graduated with Mike (a few years ago :) ) and I have just learned of your illness Maureen, I can relate so much to what you are going thru. When I was 19 I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer also. Maureen I was full of cancer and not given much hope. They immediately sent me to Detroit for treatment and with God's blessings I am still here to this day. There is only one way I made it thru and it was by God's grace and the many many prayers. When I went onto your page for the first time yesterday I thought to myself I do not know Maureen but she is truly loved and an inspiration to many people. You will have challenges ahead of you but just remember to keep a positive attitude and say your prayers. God is good he truly listens to us here on earth. I know today you have a treatment and my heart is with you Maureen. I remember when I was diagnosed my brother told me "Sis this will all be a bad nightmare some day" And he is so right. Hang in there you will beat this big C I know you can do this you are so loved.
God Bless You
Donna Dominiack

Hi dear ones! Kathy Miller
So many, many times a day I think of you and lift your names in prayer. You are not going to go thru this alone, you are never going to be without your family and friends. You all are so special to us. Your suffering, Maureen, must take such courage, and we are all cheering you on. Thanks so much for the update. Every time you or Mike write, it is such a gift! God bless...Auntie Kathy

Love you Maureen! Jeanne Hassel
Your updates are so wonderful Maureen... your courage, faith, humor are such a gift! God's strength over the next few days Maureen. You can do this!!! We LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeanne, Greg & girls

Keep smiling, Maureen! Dick Casey
Good luck with your recovery from this last round of treatment, Maureen! We so much admire your faith, your humor and your determination! You remain in our prayers every day! We love you!
Dick & Bev

From Auntie Gin Virginia Casey
Hi Honey. You just "keep plugging away." (That's what Grandma & Grandpa Casey would have said.) We're with you in our mind and prayers, and know that your loving Mike will keep us informed. Just focus on getting well, our darling Maureen.

Love to you all,
Auntie Gin

Sending lots of love Barb Glanville
You are so courageous and find the best in the midst. May they find that right combination...sending our prayers as well. Love, Peter and Barb

Thinking of You Sara Hannan is always great to see you walking around the block with Telluride. I am sure he is thrilled to be out with you! You are such an inspiration and I am always amazed at your positive attitude and your unwavering faith. I know you will get through this and we will be enjoying cocktail hour soon! Our thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Love the Hannans

....Keep Going! Lisa Lavely
I watched a documentary the other night, called "The Breast Cancer Diaries." If it weren't for you and your experience, I don't think I would have kept watching. Your experience has really opened my eyes. It made me want to keep watching, to try to understand a little better.

Anyway, the subject of the documentary was a young journalist & she used a great quote from Winston Churchill. Since it fit so well, I wanted to share it:
"If you are going through hell, keep going."

Keep going Maureen - you are making progress!!

Shining Example Kathi and Pat Rile
Maureen, you touch are hearts with your faith and trust in Our Lord. Thank you for being so willing to share your journey with us. It means alot ! You are always in our prayers. Love, Kathi and Pat

Sending lots of prayers! Nancy Gordon
Maureen, Just want you to know that I'm praying for you. May God's healing strength fill you up and get you through. Your honest yet positive outlook is such an inspiration. You are not fighting alone. The collective conscious of all the people who love you so much is fighting along with you. God bless you, sweetie.
nancy gordon

Wishing you well! Ryan Casey
Thanks for the update Maureen! I can put together from people who know you and people who know cancer how painful this all is, which makes it that much more inspiring to hear your faith and optimism carry through when you tell us all about how you're doing!

Thinking of You Jan Larson
Hi Maureen:

Just a quick note to let you know I've been thinking of you! Glad to hear your last chemo treatment was "uneventful"!! You're in my prayers!!

In our Prayers! Mike Vance
Maureen, my grandmother and my mother have both been through this. I know the pain and suffering that you go through. I also know that their are some good times. Hold on to them and let that help you through the tough times. Hang in there!!!

May the Lord be with you. May the Lord shine on you and give you peace!

Mike Vance

"Go Maureen!" Anne Taylor
Stay strong and keep up the fight so you can beat this and put it all behind you!!!! You can do it! Miss you and your smiling face. Work isn't the same with out you.
Praying for you.
Anne Taylor

Maureen - There is "Hope" Joan Lentner
I read the latest update and even though you may not be feeling well for a assured that I will be praying. They say miracles happen everyday (so you know what I am praying for...the big cure for you). As I read your update the word that jumped out at me was "Hope". My dear niece gave me the book, The Anatomy of Hope (How People Prevail in the Face of Illness). It's amazing how people dealt with difficult situations (as you are) with hope being the main focus. I will never give up hope for you and just wanted you to know that I am sending tons of love from Minnesota to AZ. Time for that smile :) break. Your faith will see you thru this. Under the circumstances, wishing you a good weekend to appreciate each and every day. Remember...there is life after cancer.


LH- Mpls.

You are so strong !!!! Hope Rex
Maureen, I think of you often and pray for you and your family to have the strength to keep on goes. You are amazing. I just wanted to write you about a book I'm listening to right now. It's John Paul the Great by Peggy Noonan. I'm enjoying it a great deal. Maybe you too could listen to it during some of your downtime... on the upswing of your cycle. It worth the listen. Take care, Hope

good morning and , yes, keep that wonderful sense of peace and completing this puzzle of many turns ... i'm glad the powers that be are prepared with "plan B"... MANY MANY PRAYERS AND GOOD WISHES COME YOUR WAY DAILY FOR GOOD HEALING AND GOOD DAYS AHEAD !!! we love you and are only thinking RECOVERY SOON !!! hugs to you, patti and charlie

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