Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 04, 2008

God is Good! Mike and I said prayers on the way to the Dr’s office this morning, then were ecstatic to receive the news that my CA125 tumor count has dropped to 24 (back to normal, and the lowest its been)! This was an unexpected surprise. Tears of joy are flowing steadily, and thanks to God, constantly.

Borrowing the Dr’s words, we are “cautiously optimistic” that we have bought some time, and the cancer is gone for now. The film review showed one small spot lighting up which he said could be either an inflammation or tumor. Dr. Janicek’s habit is to be overly proactive and conservative (ordering the PET scan demonstrates this). He is confident that it is an inflammation caused by the drain I carried for weeks (such things take months to heal), and given the normal tumor count.

So, no more chemo in sight for now. We will monitor my condition by having a tumor count taken monthly to watch its level, and another PET scan in 3 to 4 months. If the area lighting up has decreased in size, it is tissue healing. If it increases in size, it is tumor, and we will determine our next action at that time.

While I was in his office I had expected to sit for my next round of chemo, but instead I autographed the great “Graduation Ribbon!” Whew! Praise the Lord! Now, I can begin my physical recovery to rebuild my weary body. I have weddings to attend, trips to plan, and champagne to drink! Again, I owe so much to all of you out there. From the bottom of our hearts, Mike and I THANK YOU for your support!

To your prayers, God has been listening, and showed His mercy and might. Love always,

Wonderful news Tom Helland
What great news for all of you, our prayers will continue and now you can get to work on your golf game, I'm sure Kirby needs to be schooled by bump mama again!!
Tom & Mary Helland

Happy Graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Charlene Rex
Maureen, that's FABULOUS news!!! ...and you're right on schedule with your June graduation!! YEA!!! We are with you in celebration, just as we have been and will continue to be with you in prayer and confidence! We know you'll be enjoying every moment of building up your strength (and your golf game!), and we'll be picturing you with your big, beautiful smile as you sip on a well-deserved nice cold beer or when you raise your champagne glass to all that you have accomplished! We're both looking forward to giving you the biggest hug ever in October! Love, Charlene and Bill

Yippee!!!!! Terrie Jorgensen
This is the best news ever! We will be celebrating tonight in spirit with you. Prayers do work. I'll spread your good news through Minnesota! Terrie

Praise the Lord !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kathi and Pat Rile
What a witness your are in trusting the Lord ! He is always with us no matter what !!!!!!!!!! Your faith is inspirational and has touched our hearts ! Thank you for letting us share in your journey !!!!!!!
Love, Kathi and Pat

Fantastic News! Collin Casey
We are so happy for you all! Our prayers continue, with much love! Collin and family.

Awesome News! Molly Casey
That's wonderful news, Maureen! I'm so happy for you and Mike. I bet that just gives you even more strength to move forward.
Thinking of you always...

Prayers have been answered Cynthia Neuman
Mike & Maureen,
I hope to see the two of you at a DBacks Game Soon. I love you both and think about you all the time.
God Bless

FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Barb Glanville
We are over the mooon with joy....what fabulous you said now on with recovery...we celebrate with you!!!! Sending love and prayers of thanks....Peter and Barb

What WONDERFUL news!!! Cindy Adams
Maureen and Mike,
What a relief! You must both feel like tons of weight has been lifted off of you. I am sooooo happy for you. Your faith and will power is so strong, and we are all so proud of you for your strength through all of this. I can't wait to see you next month...rumor has it you'll be here for alumni. See you then!!

YAY! Jennifer Jorgensen
That is such wonderful news Maureen! Congratulations!

Fantastic news Ann Weimann
Fantastic news - Enjoy your new found freedom from chemo :) Prayer does truly work miracles! Take care

Wow! Stephanie Prem
Bless you both, Maureen and Mike---what great news!!

:) :) :) Suzanne Rex
Hugs to you, Maureen, and your family! xoxo

How awesome is this news Mike Lee
I am so happy about this wonderful news. The prayers of many have been answered. Get on with that life and have a great time doing it!

Great news! Kahtyrn Peters
We are so happy for you and you will continue in our prayers! Kathy and Dwight Peters

Awesome Sheila Scola
Great news Maureen! We will continue to pray for your well being and strength.
John, Sheila, Erin, Shannon and Sean Scola

Congratulations Maureen on the Great News! Joan Lentner
I can only imagine your anxiety and emotions as you went to the doctor's office. But once again, God has given great blessings to you and I too will be thanking him for this blessing. There were tears in my eyes as I read the latest update...I feel so very, very, very happy for you. Yes, you have lots of plans to make now. My prayers will continue so that "spot" disappears and you can realy enjoy your life. With such great news a celebration with champagne is truly in order. Congratulations my AZ friend. There will be many more blessings, just wait and see. We have a compassionate and loving God who cares about you so much (me too).
Now, truly relax and do something totally fun!
Joan -
LH Mpls.

Maureen, your enthusiasm buoys the rest of us to a new level !!! Patti Herf
WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS !!! more quality time is the operative word!!! HAVE FUN MAKING ALL THOSE NEW PLANS AND ENJOY THE MOMENTS !! MY OFFER IS ALWAYS "open" regarding a movie... a relaxing drive for ice cream/gelato...etc.etc. just let me know, hugs to you and Mike, patti

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Lisa Lavely
The great news is spreading like crazy & your Discount Tire family is soooooo happy for you and the entire extended Casey clan!
Let me know when you are ready to tackle a glass of vino!! Now there is a great goal to work towards!!

Great News Jim Leavitt
Could not be more happy to read today's entry after sharing your journey to this moment! God bless

Hallelujah! Steven Gallagher
Great news Maureen - I'm so happy for you!!

Thank you Lord! Jeanne Hassel
We have been dancing around the house today in celebration!!!! I have been calling all of my friends to tell them your wonderful news and thank them for their prayers!!!!
You ARE LOVED MAUREEN! We are so happy!
Jeanne, Greg, Claire, Anna, Maria

Yes!! God is Good!! Denise McClain
Oh are so right. God is Good! When Mike told me the great news today my eyes welled up with tears of happiness. I'm so very happy for you and I congratulate you on your graduation!!! Wu-hew!!!! You are such an amazing survivor and a testament of strenth, courage and FAITH!!!
-Denise McClain :)

Wow! Mary Permoda
Wow! what great news! my heart is filled with gratitude and joy for you!!!

maureen and mike casey Mary jo Christensen
Congratulations. It is wonderful that your markers are down to normal. We are so happy for you. We will continue to hold you in our prayers that this continues. Have some fun! You have earned it.
David and I are heading for SD. Have a good summer. We hope to see you in Sept. Love MJ

Hurra hurra from Oslo! Anita Solberg Johansen
This is great news Maureen. I am so happy for YOU. And believe me - it's also a special day for your family and friends who care so much about you. You know you are a very unique, special, beautiful, caring and fun person. We are all very lucky to have you in our life.
Miss you a lot.
Love, Anita

Fantastic News!!!! Elaine DuBois-Karr
I am so very happy for you and your family.

YOU ARE LOVED! Catherine Billion
Mike and Maureen,
I am in awe of the love and support of all of these family and friends who are watching over you and covering you in prayer. He is using you as His instrument for sure; a son and daughter in whom He must be well-pleased. Your trust in His plan gives us all inspiration.
All of the Billions are happily rejoicing with you.
I love you. Catherine

Yahoo! All the prayers have been answered! We are thrilled beyond words. We will continue to pray, but in the meantime we will celebrate your fabulous news. Can't wait to sip a glass of champagne, while praising the Lord for all His hard work on bringing you back to health. God bless you. You still have our continued prayers and lots of love. The Klimes Family

What Joyful News Bob Toohey
This is tremendous. I am so happy for this news, and so proud of the way you and Mike have shown the rest of us what the power of Love and Faith can do one day at a time.
God continue his blessings on you and your family.

ALLELUJA, alleluja!! Kathy Gook
Your wonderful news brightened my entire day!!!! Joy & Peace to you and your family. :-)
Kathy, Pvcc

Alleluia! Thank you, Jesus! Joan Buckley
Hey you Caseys! Here is the daily prayer from the Holy Cross people (they send it every day.) I wanted to share it with you - it just seemed so right for today!
The Lord led his people to freedom and they shouted with joy and gladness. (Ps 104)
Lord Jesus, we come before you in prayer this day shouting with joy and gladness in our hearts for all that you have done for us. As we celebrate this Easter joy, may we be mindful of the many ways that you bless us each day with your love. We ask this in your name. Amen.
I just think of that scripture passage and think, yes, Lord, you led Maureen and her family into the freedom from illness. We are all shouting with JOY!

Our God is an Awesome God! Kathy Miller
We are so very happy to hear your wonderful news! I started reading your update to Steve and could hardly get the words out thru my tears of joy! We love you so much and will continue to keep you in our prayers. I wish I could hug you and Mike. You both are indeed deserving of a vacation, and be sure to let us know if we can help out with that! Kisses, hugs, and love unending! Kathy and Steve

Thanks be to God! Terry Casey
The power of prayer is evidenced today. Your wonderful news is filling this house with a JOY that has been subdued for a very long time. Yesterday was a restless day so I went to church and lit a couple candles and just felt God's presence. Now I, too, wish for your family a return to a normal life of enjoying each other and looking forward Joe and Katie's return from Japan. Love, Mom

My dearest Maureen: praise the Lord for your wonderful healing! Also praise the Lord for modern medicine,research, and your brilliant caring physician! I love you so much my dearest Maureen. All my love,Terry.

Greetings from Tucson Kathy Dickey
So wonderful to hear your good news. You look so beautiful. Our prayers will continue to flow in your behalf! Have a wonderful summer. Kathy in Tucson

Wonderful!!! Linda & Max Selig
Wonderful news!! I hope you will have a long life to appreciate what you have gone through. I know you will appreciate each day God has given you. Congratulations. Lin Selig

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